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What to expect.

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These will be images you will love and cherish forever. 

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Family Sessions

Family sessions are so special. They are a great time to get you all together and away from the distractions of life!


It's brilliant when you look at a photo of your most special loved ones and think "Yes!!! Look at my lovely family!!" 


So, grab your nearest and dearest, lets get to a gorgeous spot and create some images  that you will love and cherish forever. 

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"Family sessions are a great time to get you all together!

Let the children run free!! 

Children's Sessions

For children sessions I love to get the children involved in creating the images  because they come up with some of the best poses and ideas when  given free rein! 


For the parents! This is the time you can let your children do what they like! I will help and direct to get them warmed up if they are not feeling too confident. but the main thing is to keep the children happy and let them have fun.

Parents often tell me they are worried about how their children might be on the day and being a parent myself we all worry about these things  but with me please don't give it a second thought. I love children and they do what they fancy and that's what makes them brilliant and unique and do you know what!!? That is what creates the best images!


Children are great characters and I haven't met a child yet that doesn't enjoy a photo shoot.


They might start off a little shy which is perfectly understandable but by the time they've warmed up they'll be having a great time. This is another reason i love shooting outdoors, children love it and the fresh air is great for us all.

So let them run free while you relax and  admire how gorgeous your children are.

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"Children come up with the best poses and ideas!"


I love to shoot outdoors in forests, woods and lakes. This turns the photo shoot into a fun and magical adventure. I have several places I can suggest around Oxford but also if you have somewhere in mind that is special to you I am more than happy to accommodate.

"All you need to do is relax and admire how gorgeous your children are!"

Morning time

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The photoshoot will last around an hour to an hour and a half. That is when everyone's energy levels are at their best! 

Morning is often best for the young ones! Fill the kids up with a good breakfast before and  bring a drink and a snack for the children (and you for that matter!) It is thirsty work having fun. 

Vintage suitcase and accessories

I have a vintage suitcase full of props, which anyone can use! Just let me know if you would like me to bring it along.

I have hats, scarves, pretend apples and oranges, sunglasses, bandannas, umbrellas, which the children can pick from,


The suitcase can also be used to sit or stand on. I also have some cute brown stools to use too. But also please bring along anything special you would like to be Included in the photo.

Contact me:

Bring a snack and a drink!

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